
Less than fi ve years after its formal establishment, the National Council of PDL – which met on 11-16-2013 at the ‘Palazzo dei Congressi’ in Rome – decided for the dissolution of the party and the subsequent confl ence of all its members and leaders in a new political entity which was called again Forza Italia. A party that – in the first two years of its political life – had proven to be a powerful tool with respect to various majoritarian electoral disputes, was definitively dismissed without any regret. Aside from the considerations linked to the gradual weakening of Silvio Berlusconi’s leadership, which is certainly a major issue, this article examines the impact of territorial dynamics – in particular, intra-party competition and party territorial roots – on the electoral results obtained by PDL in the 2013 Italian parliamentary elections. Unlike what argued
 for a long time, these dynamics have much affected those electoral results. Although the largest Italian center-right party still remains inextricably tied to the fluctuating fortunes of its founding leader (Silvio Berlusconi), in the future the so-called ‘moderate coalition’


  • Abstract. - Less than five years after its formal establishment, the National Council of PDL – which met on 11-16-2013 at the ‘Palazzo dei Congressi’ in Rome – decided for the dissolution of the party and the subsequent confluence of all its members and leaders in a new political entity which was called again Forza Italia

  • Aside from the considerations linked to the gradual weakening of Silvio Berlusconi's leadership

  • this article examines the impact of territorial dynamics

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Friuli Venezia Giulia

Fonte: elaborazione propria su dati del Ministero dell’Interno e delle singole Regioni. Nel confronto tra macro-aree si nota come le tendenze evidenziate fin dal 2009 si siano molto rinforzate con lo scorrere del tempo: Sardegna e Sicilia, infatti, sono state sia le prime regioni, in ordine di tempo, sia quelle che, al termine del quinquennio, hanno evidenziato le perdite maggiori; allo stesso modo, i risultati del Meridione, peggiori di quelli centro-settentrionali fin dalle elezioni europee di quello stesso 2009, restano comparativamente più deficitari anche nel 2013; infine, le performances del PDL tanto al Nord quanto nella Zona Rossa, sono assai simili sia nel 2009, sia nel 2010, sia nel 2013. TAB. 2 - FI-AN 2005 – PDL 2010 e competizione intra-partitica: indice di concentrazione di Gini per regione e area geo-politica

Zona rossa
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Rapporto col territorio
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