
Ozet Ds hipemtaminozunun cene kemikleri, uzun kemikler ve disle uzerindeki etkilerinin arastirildigi bu calisma­da 20 Wistar tipi sican kullanildi. Her biri beser sican­dan olusan dot grubun ilkine D 3 vitamini enjeksiyonu, ikincisine prophylene glycol (PG) enjeksiyonu uygula­narak normal dietle beslendi. Ucuncu grup D3 vitami­ninden zengin dietle beslendi. Kontol grubu olan dor­duncu gruba hicbir uygulama yapilmadi. Bes haftalik deney suresi sonunda oldurulen hayvanlarin cene ke­mikleri, On ve azi disleri ile uzun kemiklerinden hazir­lanan parafin kesitler isik mikroskobunda incelendi. Cene kemikleri ve uzun kemiklmerde, kemik trabekul-leri, kemik iligi ve uzun kemiklerde epifiz kikirdagi de­gerlendirildi. Dislerde de dentin kanallari, pulpa odontoblastlar, periodontal aralik ve apikal bolge aras­tirildi. Sonuc olarak dislerde ve kemiklerde saptanan patolojik degisikliklerin kaynaklar ile uygunluk goster­digi saptandi. Anahtar sozcukler: Dj hipervitaminozu, histo patoloji, sican, kemik, dis, periodontal doku. Abstract 20 Wistar rats mere used in this study, in which the effects oj D 3 hypervitaminosis on jaws, long bones and teeth were in­vestigated. The rats were divided into four groups, each consisting affive rats. Vitamin D3 injection was ferformed in the first group, and propylene glycok (PG) in the second. These rast were fed with normal diet The rats in the third group were fed with a diet rich in vitamin D3. No special application was made in the fourth group, which was used as control. At the end of jive weeks Hie rats were sacrified. Paraffin secitons of the jaw, incisors, molars and tibias we­re prepared and examined under light microscope. Bone trabecules and bone marrow were evaluated both in jaws and long bones. Epiphysial, cartilage was also investigated in the long bones. Dentin tubules, pulp odontoblasts, perio­dontal and apical reginos of the teeth was examined as well. Histopatological features were compared wiflt those of lite­rature and discussed. In conclusion, the histopathological changes found in bom and teeth due to D 3 hypervitaminosis were similar to those of literature. Key words : Hypervitaminosis D3, histopatholoyg, rats, bo­ne, teeth) periodontal tissue.

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