
The behavior of ferroelectrics such as BaTiO3 is governed by the structure and movement of domains. To obtain detailed information about domain structure and local strain fields, X-ray microdiffraction was recently employed for the first time [1]. A tetragonal BaTiO3 single crystal was first scanned with a sub-m m polychromatic X-ray beam to collect Laue patterns from regions around an individual domain as well as % , , * -, & * . / $0% #1& 234& * . / $0% & 5 $--& 0% (, #, 6(0. % #1& $% * & $&6$67& (08. These patterns yielded information about orientation relationships across domain boundaries as well as the three-dimensional deviatoric strain tensor associated with the domain. Then the energy of individual reflections was determined allowing the calculation of the absolute strain tensor [1]. The results suggest the presence of significant residual elastic strain fields in nominally stress-free BaTiO3 crystals.

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