
We calculate the D-wave charmonium production in e+e− annihilation at Belle and BaBar at s=10.6 GeV using the nonrelativistic QCD factorization formalism, including color-singlet and color-octet contributions. We analyze the contributions of various processes for δJ (J=1,2) production. We find that both the color-singlet and color-octet channels may give substantial contributions, and the production rates are estimated to be σ(δ1)≃0.043–0.16 pb and σ(δ2)≃0.094–0.29 pb, which, however, are very sensitive to the choice of the color-octet matrix elements of the D-wave charmonium states. The measurement of D-wave charmonium production at BaBar and Belle in the future will be very helpful to test the color-octet mechanism and to determine the color-octet matrix elements.

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