
We report measurements of low-energy electron stimulated desorption of D −, O − and OD − anions from multilayer amorphous D 2O films physisorbed on a Pt substrate. The 0–20 eV incident energy dependence (i.e., the yield function) of the desorbed D − yield reveals the presence of a strong peak located at 7.2 eV with a shoulder near 9 eV, which are due to dissociation of the transient states 2B 1 and 2A 1 of D 2O, respectively. The O − and OD − yield functions each exhibit a single broad structure between 5 and 12 eV which also result from dissociative electron attachment (DEA). Due to the weakness of the O − and OD − signals, three possible processes involving DEA must be considered to explain their yield functions, i.e., direct DEA, reactive scattering and DEA to a new product in the film synthesized by the electron beam. It is concluded that at large electron doses (>7.5×10 14 electrons/cm 2), these broad peaks arise from DEA to a new product, whereas at lower dose the possibility of direct DEA (i.e., e −+D 2O→D 2O −→O −+D 2 and OD −+D) cannot be entirely discounted. Above 15 eV, all anion yield functions exhibit a monotonic rise due to direct dipolar dissociation.

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