
Covid ‘19 is a pandemic disease, spread all over the world. Covid ‘19 was first detected in Wuhan, China and it was first reported to the WHO country office on 31st December 2019. Covid ‘19 was spread through Corona Virus, this virus initially infected the respiratory tract than to lungs. In the beginning, Covid ‘19 was suspected to spread only with community transformation, later it was assumed that it is an airborne, waterborne, and community transformation disease. Recent clinical research reveals that Corona virus causing mutations and point mutations, still cause is unknown. Covid ‘19 is unstable in the living body, once coronavirus is found positive to a person involving in multiple complications in the body such as cardiovascular dysfunction, renal dysfunction, and other complications in the body. Different Hospitals have shown that when a person was infected with Covid ‘19 that person was severe for breathing problem and collapsing with unknown cause. The affected person's life span was only 48 to 72 hours. The researcher scientists, clinicians are day-night trying to take any suitable solution to control and cure Covid ‘19. Covid ‘19 patients are found changes in their routine life. There is a change in their metabolic functions. There is a change in their physics and also in their Biochemical and Molecular parameters. Mostly their Protein synthesis and coagulation profiles are involved in Covid ’19. The present study is aimed to investigate the value of D- Dimer, ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase, C – Reactive Protein, Prothrombin Time, activate partial prothrombin time are the significant indicators of suspected COVID ’19 - Patients.

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