
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article is to research whether and how the internal factors like: age, gender, competences and the value of life affect declared choices regarding career paths of young residents of Lower Silesia. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main problem of this publication is to analyse the results of a survey conducted among residents of Lower Silesia aged between 18 and 28 years. For the analysis results were used: Pearson's correlation coefficient, coefficient of variation, equality of means test, test for two indicators structure, chi-square independence test and cluster analysis. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The line of reasoning begins analysis of the literature concerning career. Then the methodology of the study was presented. The main part of the article is based on quantitative analysis of the results of the conducted survey. RESEARCH RESULTS: The largest group are undecided , that is those who do not have explicit vision of the future, but declare to plan that. In the group decided the most popular is the entrepreneurial career path means the business owners. Another group, as the popularity of the vision of professional future, are employees of a large company. The least popular career path is a government employee. Statistical analysis show that the selected internal factors do not determine the choice of the career paths of young people in Lower Silesia. In addition, it has been shown that young people appreciate the basic values like: health, family, friendship and honest life. Less important are the fame, success and adventurous life. According to research less relevant to young people are faith, religion and active participation in social and political life, which differs significantly from the generation of their grandparents. The area of research on self-selected competencies reveals that the young respondents have low self-esteem, which is contrary to the opinion of employers about young people on the labor market. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: If internal factors don’t influence the choices of career path then perhaps external factors, originating from the surroundings, such as the environment and education, are more important. If so, that gives the grounds for further research and creates an opportunity to create professional future by favorable environmental conditions.

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