
Abstract Three key and interacting roles of universities – education, research and innovation – form the knowledge triangle. The concept of knowledge triangle has become one of the cornerstones of the European research and innovation policy during the last decade. In this respect, the article aims at the assessment of research interactions between Czech universities and businesses leading to knowledge transfer. A steep increase of patent activity of Czech universities seemingly creates high potential for commercialisation of R&D results. However, the majority of patents is registered only in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the mentioned increase is not accompanied by higher revenues from sale of patents and licences. The business sector perceives universities as one of the main cooperation partners within the innovation process but the share of business expenditures on university research funding remains very low compared to other EU countries. Predominantly low revenues from the knowledge transfer and especially from sale of patents and licences indicate that technology transfer centres at Czech universities do not work as efficiently as similar university centres in developed countries. Besides relatively short period of their operation, one of the main reasons consists in the way of their funding, mostly dependent on projects funded from the EU Structural Funds. Generally low extent of knowledge transfer from universities to the business sector indicates insufficiently developed knowledge triangle in Czechia. While there is no doubt about the significance of research and education role of Czech universities, the innovation role is well developed only at a few – mainly technically oriented – universities, more focused on applied R&D.

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