
Black humor in Władysław Szlengel works, with particular focus on Mała stacja Treblinki (A small station called Treblinki) Władysław Szlengel (1914–1943), was a Jewish poet writing in Polish. His works are the best example of the use of black humor in Polish poetry of World War II. War caused him to change his worldview, which is reflected in the change of humor in his works. The shift was so powerful that in fact Szlengel-commentator replaced Szlengel-satirist. He did not hesitate to use the sharpest irony both against his enemies and against other victims of the system. His poem A Small Station Called Treblinki is the most shocking instance of black humor.Key words: Władyslaw Szlengel; black humour; holocaust; humour; risus sardonicus;

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