
Cytospora species are cosmopolitan, and commonly associated with dieback and canker diseases of numerous hosts. In the present study, isolates were collected and identified from diseased branches or twigs of Ulmus pumila in northern China. The morphological characteristics and multilocus phylogeny (act1, ITS, LSU, tefA and tubB) indicate four distinct lineages with high branch support, i.e., C. carbonacea, C. chrysosperma, C. ribis and C. pruinopsis sp. nov. Cytospora pruinopsis is distinguishable from the other Cytospora spp. on Ulmus by its single conidiomatal locule with one ostiole per disc, and its smaller conidia. This study represents the first attempt to clarify the taxonomy of Cytospora spp. associated with canker and dieback symptoms of Ulmus pumila in northern China.

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