
While investigating the mechanism of action of the novel antitumor drug Aplidin, we have discovered a potent and novel cell-killing mechanism that involves the formation of Fas/CD95-driven scaffolds in membrane raft clusters housing death receptors and apoptosis-related molecules. Fas, tumor necrosis factor-receptor 1, and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand receptor 2/death receptor 5 were clustered into lipid rafts in leukemic Jurkat cells following Aplidin treatment, the presence of Fas being essential for apoptosis. Preformed membrane-bound Fas ligand (FasL) as well as downstream signaling molecules, including Fas-associated death domain-containing protein, procaspase-8, procaspase-10, c-Jun amino-terminal kinase, and Bid, were also translocated into lipid rafts, connecting death receptor extrinsic and mitochondrial intrinsic apoptotic pathways. Blocking Fas/FasL interaction partially inhibited Aplidin-induced apoptosis. Aplidin was rapidly incorporated into membrane rafts, and drug uptake was inhibited by lipid raft disruption. Actin-linking proteins ezrin, moesin, RhoA, and RhoGDI were conveyed into Fas-enriched rafts in drug-treated leukemic cells. Disruption of lipid rafts and interference with actin cytoskeleton prevented Fas clustering and apoptosis. Thus, Aplidin-induced apoptosis involves Fas activation in both a FasL-independent way and, following Fas/FasL interaction, an autocrine way through the concentration of Fas, membrane-bound FasL, and signaling molecules in membrane rafts. These data indicate a major role of actin cytoskeleton in the formation of Fas caps and highlight the crucial role of the clusters of apoptotic signaling molecule-enriched rafts in apoptosis, acting as concentrators of death receptors and downstream signaling molecules and as the linchpin from which a potent death signal is launched.

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