
The relationships between cytoskeletal network organization and cellular response to cytochalasin D (CD) in a normal rat fibroblast cell line (Hmf-n) and its spontaneous transformant (tHmf-e), with markedly different cytoskeletal phenotypes, were compared (using immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, and DNAse I assay for actin content). Hmf-n have prominent, polar stress fiber (SF) arrays terminating in vinculin adhesion plaques whereas tHmf-e, which are apolar, epithelioid cells with dense plasma membrane-associated actin networks, lack SF and adhesion plaques. Hmf-n exposed to CD become markedly retracted and dendritic, SF-derived actin aggregates form large endoplasmic masses, and discrete tabular aggregates at the distal ends of retraction processes. Prolonged exposure leads to recession of process, cellular rounding, and development of large cystic vacuoles. tHmf-e cells exposed to similar doses of CD display a diagnostically different response; retraction is less drastic, cells retain broad processes containing scattered actin aggregates in discrete foci often associated with plasma membrane, large tabular aggregates are never found and processes persist throughout long exposure, vacuolation is uncommon. The CD-induced microfilamentous aggregates in Hmf-n are composed of short, kinky filament fragments forming a felt-like skein, often aggregates contain a more ordered array of roughly parallel fragments, while those of tHmf-e are very short, kinky, randomly orientated filaments imparting a distinctly granular nature to the mass. Total actin content and the amount of actin associated with detergent-resistant cytoskeletons increase following CD exposure in both cell types. Throughout exposure to CD, the actin-associated contractile proteins tropomyosin, myosin, and α-actinin co-localize within the actin aggregates in both cell types. Fodrin, the protein linking cortical actin to membrane, co-localizes with actin aggregates in tHmf-e cells and most, but not all, such aggregates in Hmf-n cells, consistent with their stress fiber derivation. Vinculin is lost from the tabular aggregates at the distal ends of retraction processes in Hmf-n cells concomitant with the fragmentation and contraction of SF. The aborized processes in both cells types contain strikingly similar axial cores of bundled vimentin filaments associated with passively compressed microtubules. The characteristic CD-induced distribution of actin filament aggregates and redistribution of vimentin in these cell types also occur when cells are allowed to respread from the rounded state in the presence of CD.

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