
Cytomorphological spectrum in gynaecomastia: a study of 389 cases The objective of this study was to document the spectrum of cytomorphological features in aspirates from gynaecomastia. During a 22-year period (July 1979 to June 2001) fine needle aspirations (FNA) were conducted on 651 males with a breast lesion. Fine needle aspirate slides from 529 benign cases were reviewed along with the histological sections of 54 cases where available. Of the 529 FNA, 140 were excluded (105 unsatisfactory, five cystic fluid aspirated, 30 inflammatory lesions). In 134 of 389 cases reviewed florid gynaecomastia was observed while the remainder showed benign ductal cells (BDC) in varying quantities from less than five to more than 25 groups. Of the 134 cases with florid gynaecomastia, 49 had a fibroadenoma-like picture (FLP), where a large number of BDC fragments with a staghorn configuration, prominent stromal fragments with contoured stroma and bare bipolar nuclei were seen abundantly in all cases. In 85 cases the features resembled fibroadenomatoid hyperplasia (FH), with only an occasional staghorn configuration of BDC seen in 82% of the cases. In 83% of cases stromal fragments of varying proportions were seen but a contoured stroma was seen in only 3.5% of cases. Both stromal and epithelial atypia were seen in 41% and 86% cases, respectively, of FLP, and in 7% and 69% cases of FH. Columnar cells, apocrine cells and foam cells were seen in approximately similar quantities in both the lesions. Vascularized stroma was seen in 22% of the cases with FLP but in only 4.5% of cases those with FH. Cytohistological correlation performed in 54 cases showed marked variation. Fine needle aspirates showed florid changes in 13 of the 41 cases of simple gynaecomastia and two of the eight cases with florid gynaecomastia on tissue sections. In conclusion, a wide spectrum of morphological features are encountered in FNA from benign male breast lesions. It is important to recognize these to avoid a false-positive diagnosis.

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