
Ultrastructural changes were studied in the cells undergoing secretory differentiation in zone I of the tubules of the uropygial gland of White Plymouth Rock chickens. A layer of basal cells and four secretory stages are recognized as the cells migrate from the periphery to the lumen of tubules and progressively elaborate a secretion product. Basal cells, containing rough endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes, rest on the basement membrane and are the source from which secretory cells arise. Dilated perinuclear cisternae and the proliferation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum in the form of vesicles, invaginated sacs and cusp-shaped cisternae indicate the onset of lipgenesis in stage I cells. The perinuclear cisternae are more dilated and the endoplasmic reticulum is composed on saccules and cisternae in stage II cells. Stage III cells are characterized by concentric lamellae of endoplasmic reticulum surrounding secretory droplets. Dilated cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum and secretory droplets both contain a reticular substance. The perinuclear cisternae of stage III cells have returned to normal dimensions. Large mature lucent secretory droplets, lined with electron-dense material, fill the cytoplasm ostage IV cells which degenerate and release their secretory product into the tubule lumen. Spherical membrane-bound compartments containing a mottled substance of moderate electron density occur in basal cells and all subsequent secretory stages. These mottled bodies are surrounded by saccules of endoplasmic reticulum in stage II cells and are intimately associated with secretory droplets in stage III cells, but there is no evidence that they give rise to secretory droplets and their role in secretory differentiation is unknown.

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