
The integumentary system covers the surface of the embryo (skin) and its specialized skin structures including hair, nails, sweat glands, mammary glands and teeth. During fetal skin development, the epidermis changes from a single layer of ectodermal cells at 7–8 days of gestation into a more apparent stratified, keratinized epithelium at 22–24 weeks. The aim of the study is to identify the histological and cytological changes that take place during neonatal and adult epidermis development. Human neonatal and adult samples were obtained from fully informed, consenting parent or releatives from Al-hilla mortary / Iraq. Neonatal samples were obtained from neonates after sudden deaths from maternity wards. Anatomical Sites included abdomen, forehead, back, shoulder and feet sole. A totoal of 15 neonates and 10 mature adults were used for this study. Fresh tissues were sectioned using a freezing cryostat. Tissues were sectioned at 5µm in -24°C and collected on microscopic slides. Slides were allowed to air dry for 30 min prior to hematoxyline and eosin staining. Tissues were also photographed using scanning electron microscopy SEM. Cytological measurements were taken using image j software and data was analysed using graph prism. Various cytological and histological changes takes place during neonatal and adult and epidermis development. Our study shows the stages of fair follicule formation as well as number of nucleated layers present at each stage of development and at different anatomical sites. Major histological changes takes places during the transition frm a neonate to a mature adult including the number of basal cells and epidermal thickness depending on the anatomical site.

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