
We reviewed the cytological findings of 38 cases of rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) with histological confirmation performed during a period of 15 years and proposed a morphological subtyping based on the most prominent cytologic features. Seventeen of these cases were alveolar, 14 cases embryonal, and seven botryoid subtypes. From these cases, a total of 43 samples, of which 37 were fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsies and six were touch imprints, were evaluated. Detailed cellular features were identified which enabled differentiation into histological subtypes. In the alveolar RMSs, most tumour cells were small and lymphocyte-like, having finely granular chromatin. The finding of cells with more abundant cytoplasm, eccentrically located nuclei and bi/multinucleated tumour cells in a background of mucosubstance helped in the differential diagnosis. Two cell types, including large, tadpole or ribbon-shaped tumour cells and small, round cells with scant cytoplasm, were seen in embryonal RMSs. In botryoid RMSs, a cell type with tightly grouped nuclei within elongated cytoplasm similar to a myotubular structure was observed in addition to the two cell types of embryonal RMSs. We conclude that with experience it will be possible to subtype these tumours by cytologic examination alone.

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