
Food preservatives are unswervingly being used for prolonging the shelf life of food, often to increase the aroma, taste and quality by food packaging industry. These food preservatives are pivotal in protecting food from degradation and deterioration by micro-organisms. Two of the most commonly used food preservatives, viz. sodium nitrite (NaNO2) and Monosodium glutamate (MSG) have been evaluated using root tips of Allium cepa. Cytological studies in plants offer a first-tier bioassay that are sensitive and reliable. Allium cepa is used as an experimental model as it shows chromosomal aberrations and other morphological abnormalities as that of the mammalian systems. Dose and time dependent evaluation of the mitotic damage was done on the root tips of onion (Allium cepa). Mitotic Index (MI) was calculated based on the cytological observation post-treatment with their respected controls. Chromosomal abnormalities like chromosomal bridge and laggard, multipolarity and stickiness in the chromosome was observed in the treated sample.

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