
The effect of occupational exposure to styrene on frequencies of chromosomal aberrations and binucleated cells with micronuclei and on single-strand break levels in peripheral blood lymphocytes was studied in 86 reinforced plastic workers and 42 control individuals (including 16 maintenance workers with intermittent, low-dose exposure). In these individuals, the irradiation-specific DNA repair rates and the repair rates of 8-oxoguanines were investigated. We assessed the exposure by measuring the concentrations of styrene in air and in blood and of mandelic acid, phenylglyoxylic acid, 4-vinyl phenol conjugates and regioisomeric phenyl hydroxyethyl mercapturic acids in urine. All these parameters correlated with one another. No clear relationship was found between the styrene exposure and the frequencies of chromosomal aberrations. Binucleated cells with micronuclei were moderately related to the parameters of styrene exposure. We found a negative correlation between all exposure parameters and single-strand breaks. The positive correlation between exposure parameters and DNA repair rates suggests that particular DNA repair pathways may be induced by styrene exposure.

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