
Introducton. Due to the increasing volumes of toxic substances entering the environment, including genotoxicants, it becomes necessary to conduct studies to assess their impact on people living in areas with high levels of pollutants, as well as people working in hazardous conditions. Epidemiological studies, in which damage to hereditary structures in human cells is assessed, in peripheral blood lymphocytes and buccal epithelial cells mainly, are carried out to determine the real genetic risk. Materials and methods. Samples of buccal epithelium were used. The study involved 69 people: 28 in the control group and 41 in the group of persons who were in contact with pesticides. The cytomorphological analysis took into account the following indicators: cytogenetic, cell proliferation, early and late destruction of nuclei. Results. The frequency of occurrence of the cells with micronuclei and protrusions in persons who were in contact with pesticides during their professional activities was increased 2.2 times, the frequency of cells with atypical nuclei - 2.5 times (differences in cytogenetic parameters between the groups were statistically insignificant). Statistically significant changes in the proliferation indicator were revealed - the frequency of cells with two nuclei (1.6 times), as well as the destruction indicators - karyorrhexis (4.5 times more often in nonsmokers and 8.2 times more often in smokers who work with pesticides) and karyolysis (the frequency of cells with initial karyolysis was increased by 3.4 times and 3.2 times with complete karyolysis). The index of accumulation of damage disorders was shown to be 4 times higher. Conclusion. The obtained data indicate an increased risk of damage to the genetic apparatus of cells in persons whose professional activities are associated with testing and using pesticides.


  • ФБУН «Федеральный научный центр гигиены имени Ф.Ф

  • Cytogenetic analysis in exfoliated buccal epithelial cells of the workers who come into contact with pesticides

  • Citomorphologic features of buccae epithelial cells in persons who come into contact with in their professional activities, and persons not directly exposed to pesticides

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Материал и методы

Материалом являлись образцы буккального эпителия, взятые у добровольцев. Проведение исследования было одобрено локальным этическим комитетом ФБУН «ФНЦГ им. Всего в исследовании приняли участие 69 человек: 28 – в контрольной группе (офисные работники) и 41 – в группе лиц, контактирующих с пестицидами в процессе профессиональной деятельности (научные работники, которые проводят токсиколого-гигиеническую оценку пестицидов, и операторы, производившие обработку полей). Все участники были проинформированы о целях и методах исследования, а также дали письменное согласие на предоставление образца клеток буккального эпителия для выполнения анализа. В исследовании принимали участие лица, которые, согласно анкетам, не имели хронических заболеваний, не принимали лекарственных препаратов и не посещали стоматолога на протяжении оцениваемого периода работы с пестицидами. На предварительно подогретое стекло (30 °C) наносили каплю суспензии клеток (примерно 15 мкл), делали мазок, сушили при комнатной температуре, фиксировали раствором Кларка (этанол/ледяная уксусная кислота в соотношении 3/1). Окраску ядер проводили ацетоорсеином и 1% раствором светлого зелёного, промывали дистиллированной водой и сушили при комнатной температуре.

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