
The involvement of jasmonates in the tuber development has been proved by the presence of many of these compounds in potato stolons, modification of their levels during the transition of the stolon into tuber, and induction of cell expansion upon exogenous jasmonates treatment. However, to date there is only little evidence of the presence of the jasmonic acid-biosynthetic enzymes in stolons or young tubers. As allene oxide cyclase represents the major control point for jasmonic acid biosynthesis, we studied the occurrence of allene oxide cyclase by immunological approaches in the early stages of tuber formation. In developing stolons, allene oxide cyclase as well as lipoxygenase were clearly detectable, but their levels did not change during development. Jasmonic acid treatment for 24h, however, increased lipoxygenase and allene oxide cyclase protein levels in both developmental stages analyzed. In longitudinal sections of stolons of stages 1 and 2, allene oxide cyclase and lipoxygenase occurred in the apex and along the stolon axis. Allene oxide cyclase was clearly detectable in epidermal, cortical and pith parenchymatic cells, showing the highest levels in vascular tissues surrounding cells. Lipoxygenase was mainly located in the parenchymatic cortex cells. The occurrence of allene oxide cyclase in stolons together with the previous identification of jasmonates from developing stolons reveals that these organs are capable to synthesize and metabolize jasmonates.

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