
The neuronal connections in the central gustatory system of the crucian carp were examined by means of degeneration and HRP methods. Cell morphology in the primary gustatory lobes was studied in Golgi-impregnated material. Medium-sized neurons of the facial lobe emit axons which project to the secondary gustatory nucleus. The nucleus intermedius facialis of Herrick ('05) projects bilaterally. Large neurons send axons through the spinal trigeminal tract to terminate in the spinal trigeminal nucleus and in the medial funicular nucleus. In the vagal lobe, second-order neurons for the ascending projections are located in the superficial part of the sensory zone. These neurons project exclusively to the ipsilateral secondary gustatory nucleus. Neurons located in the deeper part of the sensory zone send axons to the motor zone and to the brainstem reticular formation to form short reflex arcs. The glossopharyngeal lobe has similar neuronal connections to the vagal sensory zone. Both facial and vagal lobes receive afferent projections from the following central structures: nucleus posterioris thalami, nucleus diffusus lobi inferioris, optic tectum, motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, medullary reticular formation, and the gray matter of the upper spinal cord. The facial lobe has an additional afferent from the mesencephalic reticular formation. The major sources to the medullary gustatory lobes are the nucleus posterioris thalami and nucleus diffusus lobi inferioris. Each type of neuron classified by morphology and location in the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagal lobes was correlated with its particular destination. Topographic projections were demonstrated in the secondary and tertiary gustatory centers.

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