
In the hypothalamus of the turtle, Lissemys punctata granosa, two magnocellular and 23 parvocellular neuronal complexes can be distinguished. The magnocellular complexes include the nucleus supraopticus and the nucleus paraventricularis; paraventricular neurons are partly arranged in rows parallel to the third ventricle. Most infundibular parvocellular nuclei display neurons disposed in rows parallel to the ventricular surface. In the preoptic region, the prominent parvocellular neuronal complexes encompass the nucleus periventricularis anterior, lateral preoptic area, the nucleus of the anterior commissure and the nucleus suprachiasmaticus. The prominent nucleus periventricularis posterior extends caudad and shows neurons arranged in vertical rows parallel to the third ventricle. Other parvocellular nuclei of the rostral hypothalamus are composed of clustered subunits. The nucleus arcuatus is a fairly large nuclear entity extending from the level marked dorsally by the nucleus paraventricularis to the area occupied by the nucleus of the paraventricular organ. A well-developed ventromedial nucleus is located ventrolateral to the paraventricular organ. The prominent paraventricular organ consists of tightly arranged neurons, some of which possess apical projections into the third ventricle; it is surrounded by the nucleus of the paraventricular organ. Nucleus hypothalamicus medialis et lateralis, nucleus hypothalamicus posterior and the nuclei recessus infundibuli are further nuclear units of the tuberal region. The caudal end of the hypothalamus is marked by the nucleus mamillaris; its neurons are scattered among the fibers of the retroinfundibular commissure. The median eminence is well developed and shows a large medial and two lateral protrusions into the infundibular recess.

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