
In studying a postmortem specimen of an adult male, I noticed a peculiar condition in the nasopharynx. Instead of the mucosa being closely adherent to the bony vault of the pharynx, a cystlike formation was present in this region. It was attached in the midline to the posterior part of the sphenoid bone, just underneath the caudal portion of the sinus (sphenoid). Just lateral to each side was the fossa of Rosenmuller and the torus tubarius. As far as could be determined, there was no connection with the sphenoid sinus, nor was there any tract leading from it toward the sella turcica. The floor of the sinus was smooth and level, not showing any bulging upward. In the dependent portion of the cavity was an opening leading into the nasopharynx. It was smooth and rounded and approximately 3 mm. in diameter. The cavity was oval-shaped from above down.

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