
Cystic fibrosis newborn screening (CFNBS) has been offered across the United States since 2010. However, as compared with white patients with CF, CFTR variant identification in nonwhite populations remains inequitable. Utilizing the recent characterization of the nonwhite CF variant spectrum, we examined the effectiveness of current CFNBS molecular panels in identifying affected nonwhite newborns. Based on a cross-sectional evaluation of genotyping data from the CF Foundation Patient Registry that compared 3,496 nonwhite with 22,206 white CF patients, the current CFNBS algorithms used in the 50 states and the District of Columbia were analyzed. We assessed the percentage of CF patients of Hispanic, African, Asian, and Native American heritage who would not be identified by the molecular panels most commonly used. Compared with whites, variant detection was significantly lower in Hispanic, black, and Asian newborns (P ≤ 0.0001 each), as well as in Native American newborns (P values ranged from 0.001 to 0.0003), for the most common CFNBS panels. This study provides a perspective on the applicability of current panels to a diverse population and enables CFNBS programs to consider more inclusive test approaches to facilitate diagnosis, timely clinical intervention, and enhanced prognosis for CF patients of nonwhite and mixed ethnicities.Genet Med 19 1, 36-44.

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