
The following case is reported because of a particularly puzzling clinical course in which the glycosuria and hyperglycemia varied in intensity with the intensity of clinical manifestations of episodes of internal hydrocephalus. At autopsy, a fluctuant cyst of the pulvinar of the thalamus obstructing the aqueduct of Sylvius was found. In addition, there appeared other symptoms and signs, some of which are explained on the basis of a detailed anatomic analysis of the central nervous system. REPORT OF CASE L. M., a white woman aged 63, was admitted to the Hamilton County Home and Chronic Disease Hospital on June 27, 1936 and died on August 25, 1936. There was mental confusion, making it difficult to obtain a satisfactory history from the patient. The husband stated that up to ten years prior to admission to the hospital the patient had been normal, with normal speech, emotions and mentality. Approximately ten years

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