
Prasad and his coworkers emphasized that microquantities of cyproterone acetate (CPA) when continuously available developed functional sterility in male rats by interfering the epididymal physiology. In our experimental rats either 2 or 3 capsules containing CPA as per the specification of Prasad were implanted subcutaneously and left for 300 and 250 days, respectively. Fertility test was made every month and it was observed that all the experimental animals were able to impregnate female rats throughout the experiment. Excepting the epididymis the weight of testes and other accessory glands did not differ from the controls in the animals which had 2 CPA capsules for 300 days; On the other hand, the animals which received 3 CPA capsules for 250 days showed significant reduction in weight of all the acessory glands including the testes.

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