
Cynara cardunculus L. var. sylvestris Lam. is a stenomediterranean element. Although sometimes it is abundant in specific areas, this plant is not widespread in Latium. In fact, it is mostly localized in the coastal areas and islands, in dry pastures and fallow lands, where it is part of a xerophilous plant community, very interesting from a floristic point of view. The study was conducted in 2007 at pSIC Acropolis of Tarquinia (IT6010039) on secondary origin prairies to provide information about their floristic composition and to define their optimal livestock density. Over 150 species were identified, some of which are listed as rare or poorly diffused in Latium, such as: Medicago muricoleptis Tineo, Malope malacoides L., Carlina lanata L., Cynara cardunculus var. sylvestris and Notobasis syriaca Cass. The livestock value estimated was 0.58 livestock units (LU) ha-1 year-1 on average. This value ensures the rational grazing management that must be guaranteed as necessary to maintain the high biodiversity of herbaceous communities, the aesthetic value of the landscape and the accessibility of the site, also in consideration of its high historical interest. In this sense, the study provides guidance on pasture management: grazing season, pasture rotation, livestock temporary load and control of the paddock time of use.

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