
Cylendrocladium quinqueseptatum, a soil born pathogen, cause leaf and twig blight disease in nurseries and plantation of Eucalyptus often aggravates during monsoon season to epidemic proportions resulting in large scale mortality of young seedling in nurseries and extensive defoliation of young plants and young coppice shoots in plantations. CLB caused by Cylindrocladium quinqueseptatum was first serious disease to be reported by Sehgal et al.,(1969) that affected Eucalyptus seedlings in nurseries and plantation. Cylindrocladium is known to cause foliage as well as root diseases of Eucalyptus in Kerala (Sharma et al. 1984). Different diseases of this pathogen has been reported to cause Eucalyptus diseases in south India. However, in northern part of India only one species, Cylendrocladium quinqueseptatum is encountered causing seedling blight in Eucalyptus nurseries.

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