
Two reflector antennas are proposed. The first is constructed by adding a cylindrical reflecting surface of suitable radius to the V -shaped corner reflector antenna. The feeding element is a half-wavelength dipole. The resulting cylindrical corner reflector provided a 2 dB increase in gain, minimum sidelobe level, low input reactance, and uncritical dependence of performance on frequency. The second antenna is constructed by adding a cylindrical surface to the three-dimensional corner reflector. This extension provided an increase in gain of at least 6.5 dB, an input resistance compatible with the commercially available 50- or 75-\Omega coaxial cables, low input reactance, and uncritical dependence of performance on frequency. A grid-type cylindrical corner reflector antenna, and a three-dimensional corner reflector antenna with a cylindrical subsurface of finite reflecting surfaces were designed, and the measured input impedances, gains, and field patterns showed excellent agreement with the theoretical results for both antennas.

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