
This paper proposes a parameterization method using cylindrical coordinates based free-form deformation(CYFFD) technique by introducing a coordinate transformation method and a virtual lattice method. The method is suitable for axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric cylindrical applications. CYFFD is able to deform radially and circumferentially and to maintain first order and curvature continuity across frame border. First, the coordinate transformation step helps capture geometrical characteristics of cylindrical objects to conduct radial and circumferential deformation. Due to the need of delicate shape design, FFD lattice need be set up closely around cylinder-like objects and this will cause the boundary of FFD frame to intersect with the objects, which lead to derivative discontinuity at the intersection. The virtual lattice method is introduced to reuse some control points as virtual ones so that first order and curvature continuity can be preserved. A cylinder deformation example compares the capability of CYFFD with that of conventional FFD for radial and circumferential deformation and keeping derivative continuity. An airplane nose example shows the possibility to use CYFFD and NFFD together for complex shape. A nacelle deformation example and fitting example show that CYFFD is valuable for non-axisymmetric cylindrical objects with complex shapes. The optimization example on cylinder nose shape indicates that CYFFD can give good optimization results and it is valuable for parameterizing cylinder-like objects.


  • This paper proposes a parameterization method using cylindrical coordinates based free⁃form deformation ( CYFFD) technique by introducing a coordinate transformation method and a virtual lattice method

  • Ö ç è2.Unmanned System Research Institute, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi′an 710072, Chinaø

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在圆柱形物体上直接使用 NFFD 方法主要有 2 个方面的问题: 1) NFFD 的变形方式着重于沿坐标轴方向或 三者的线性组合,在圆周向或直径方向的变形能力 较弱,或者需要繁琐的特殊处理,因此会导致所需要 设计变量的数目较多、适用性较差; 2) 为了对圆柱表面外形进行精细设计,生成控 制框,如何对控制框边界处的外形进行设计并且保 持曲率连续是一个需要解决的问题。. 针对这两方面的问题,本文基于 Lamousin 等人 提出的 NFFD[18] 方法,引入坐标转换和虚拟框方法 得到了 CYFFD 方 法。 本节首先对 CYFFD 进 行 介 绍,后文将对二者进行详细的对比分析。 CYFFD 所 使用的核心公式与 NFFD 类似,其使用步骤与 NFFD 基本相同,主要差异来源于新引入的坐标转换和虚 拟框方法,具体使用步骤如图 1 所示。. 局坐标 下建立一个或者多个 FFD 控 制 框 Pi,j,k = ( xi,j,k ,yi,j,k ,zi,j,k ) ,控制框沿着 i,j,k 3 个方向分别有 l + 1,m + 1,n + 1 个控制点。 另外,还需要为控制框. 式中, Wi,j,k是每个控制点的权重系数,Bip ,Bjq ,Bkr 分别是 p,q 和 r 阶( p + 1、q + 1 和 r + 1 次) NURBS 基. 点在 oxyz 中的坐标是 o′ = (ox1,oy1,oz1) T。 公式(3) 中的坐标转换函数 T 及其反函数 T-1 的定义如公式 (4) 所示: T1( A) = A′ = P -1( A - o′). 虚拟框方法要求在框变形的步骤中进行特殊处 理:如果 I,J,D,E 的点坐标发生变化,A,B,L,M 也 随之移动。 例如保持 I 和 A 之间的 2π 角坐标差量不 变,以及径向、周向坐 标保持相等, 在笛卡尔坐标系下I和A 会始终保持重合。

CYFFD 变形示例
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