
LARAMED project aims to set up an advanced science and technology facility to develop new and efficient methods to produce medical radioisotopes at Legnaro National laboratories of National Institute of Nuclear Physics. Waiting for the facility full operation, LARAMED group has already started working on the cyclotron production of several conventional and emerging radionuclides. Suitable target preparation is one of the most critical aspects in cyclotron production of radioisotopes. LARAMED group has investigated a set of non-classical techniques for metallic target preparation. Magnetron sputtering technique developed for ultra-thick film deposition was applied for the preparation of the Mo solid targets for 99mTc production, and Y ones for 89Zr production. Spark plasma sintering method provides efficient sintering of powders and good bonding of metallic pellet to a backing. Like magnetron sputtering, it was tested for natl00Mo and natY targets, as well as for natCr targets preparation aimed at 52Mn production. The High energy Vibration Powders Plating technique was instead applied for natural (Mo, Ti) and enriched 48Ti metallic powders with >95% deposition efficiency. All three techniques tested provided the cyclotron solid targets with high thermomechanical performance under the beam (IkW/cm2).

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