
The production of no-carrier-added (NCA) 18F with high-energy protons on natural Ne( 20Ne 90.51%; 21Ne 0.27%; and 22Ne 9.22%) gas targets was studied with external proton beams in the 68-22 MeV energy range. Single (thin-target) (mCi/μAh) yields for the production of 18F were measured. The cumulative (thick-target) yields, and total cross section (mbarn) for Ne(p,x) 18F reactions were also calculated in the 68-22 MeV proton energy region. With 68 MeV H +, a 46 MeV energy thick Ne target exiting at 22 MeV, produces 700–800 mCi/μAh of 18F at end-of-bombardment (EOB). With 45-22 MeV H + (i.e. 23 MeV energy thick target), the 18F cumulative yields reaches 350 mCi/μAh. These 18F yields are the largest values reported so far. The advantages and the limitations of using H + beams on natural Ne are analyzed together with a discussion on the alternative production of large multi-Curie batches of 18F for local and regional distribution.

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