
We study the cyclotomic exponent sequence of a numerical semigroup S, and we compute its values at the gaps of S, the elements of S with unique representations in terms of minimal generators, and the Betti elements b∈S for which the set {a∈Betti(S):a≤Sb} is totally ordered with respect to ≤S (we write a≤Sb whenever a−b∈S, with a,b∈S). This allows us to characterize certain semigroup families, such as Betti-sorted or Betti-divisible numerical semigroups, as well as numerical semigroups with a unique Betti element, in terms of their cyclotomic exponent sequences. Our results also apply to cyclotomic numerical semigroups, which are numerical semigroups with a finitely supported cyclotomic exponent sequence. We show that cyclotomic numerical semigroups with certain cyclotomic exponent sequences are complete intersections, thereby making progress towards proving the conjecture of Ciolan, García-Sánchez and Moree (2016) stating that S is cyclotomic if and only if it is a complete intersection.

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