
In albinism, aberrations in the ipsi-/contralateral retinal ganglion cell (RGC) ratio compromise the functional integrity of the binocular circuit. Here, we focus on the mouse ciliary margin zone (CMZ), a neurogenic niche at the embryonic peripheral retina, to investigate developmental processes regulating RGC neurogenesis and identity acquisition. We found that the mouse ventral CMZ generates predominantly ipsilaterally projecting RGCs, but this output is altered in the albino visual system because of CyclinD2 downregulation and disturbed timing of the cell cycle. Consequently, albino as well as CyclinD2-deficient pigmented mice exhibit diminished ipsilateral retinogeniculate projection and poor depth perception. In albino mice, pharmacological stimulation of calcium channels, known to upregulate CyclinD2 in other cell types, augmented CyclinD2-dependent neurogenesis of ipsilateral RGCs and improved stereopsis. Together, these results implicate CMZ neurogenesis and its regulators as critical for the formation and function of the mammalian binocular circuit.

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