
Cyclin D1 as a biomarker is over expressed in indraductal carcinoma in breast not in benign breast diseases.The study has been conducted in the Department of Pathology of a tertiary medical college of eastern India (n=57, d=18 months).The primary aim was to find the correlation between Cyclin D1 with different biomarkers as well as other variables.The association of age, ER (Estrogen Receptor) scoring, ER Positive & Negative status, PR scoring, PR positive and negative status, Her2Neu status, Tumor grade, Stage of the tumour, Laterality and location vs group have not been found to be statistically significant. However association of Her2Neu scoring (p=0.03), Ki67 status (p=0.002), Molecular Classification (p=0.01) vs group has been found to be statistically highly significant.Cyclin D1 over expression has been reported in about half of the human breast cancers and the present study has found its direct relationship of Her2Neu scoring, Ki67 labelling index status and molecular classification vs group enriching our present knowledge and understanding.

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