
Let $a < b$ be coprime positive integers. Armstrong, Rhoades, and Williams (2013) defined a set NC(a,b) of `rational noncrossing partitions', which form a subset of the ordinary noncrossing partitions of $\{1, 2, \dots, b-1\}$. Confirming a conjecture of Armstrong et. al., we prove that NC(a,b) is closed under rotation and prove an instance of the cyclic sieving phenomenon for this rotational action. We also define a rational generalization of the $\mathfrak{S}_a$-noncrossing parking functions of Armstrong, Reiner, and Rhoades.


  • Confirming a conjecture of Armstrong et al, we prove that NC(a, b) is closed under rotation and prove an instance of the cyclic sieving phenomenon for this rotational action

  • This paper is about generalized noncrossing partitions arising in rational Catalan combinatorics

  • When m = 1, this reduces to the classical Catalan number

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This paper is about generalized noncrossing partitions arising in rational Catalan combinatorics. The construction of NC(a, b) in [4] was indirect and involved the intermediate object of rational Dyck paths This left open the question of whether many of the fundamental properties of classical noncrossing partitions generalize to the rational case. It was unknown whether the set NC(a, b) is closed under the dihedral group of symmetries of the disk with b − 1 labeled boundary points. The more important of these will involve an idea genuinely new to rational Catalan combinatorics: a new measure of size for blocks of set partitions in NC(a, b) called rank.

Rational Dyck paths
Noncrossing partitions
Rational noncrossing partitions
Homogeneous rational noncrossing partitions
The action of rotation
Characterization from Kreweras complement
Characterization from rank function
Modified rank sequences
Cyclic sieving
Noncrossing parking functions
Closing Remarks
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