
Let A be a linear transformation with minimum polynomial mA(t) and characteristic polynomial cA(t). We say that A is cyclic if mA(t) = cA(t), semisimple if mA(t) has no repeated factors, and separable if it is both cyclic and semisimple. The proportions of elements of GL(d, q) which are cyclic or separable have been investigated by, amongst others, Neumann and Praeger [7], Wall [10], and Fulman [4] who also studies semisimple elements. Making use of their results, we gave estimates in [1] for these proportions in SL(d, q). Fulman, Neumann and Praeger [5] have recently found good estimates for the corresponding proportions in the finite classical groups, U(d, q2), Sp(2m, q) and O±(d, q). They raise the question of whether similar methods may be used to calculate the proportions in various subgroups and supergroups of the classical groups. In a series of three papers, we shall show how this may be done. In this, the first paper, we deal with the special unitary groups SU(d, q2), consisting of unitary transformations with determinant 1. In the second paper [2] we shall focus on the conformal groups GSp(2m, q) and GO±(d, q), and in the third paper [3] we shall consider how the method may be extended to a number of groups of orthogonal type, including the special orthogonal group and the derived group of the orthogonal group. Our method in [1] involved the vector space cycle index of Kung [6] and Stong [8], which we describe briefly in Section 2. Similarly, in the current series

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