
We give a construction of cyclic cocycles on convolution algebras twisted by gerbes over discrete translation groupoids. For proper \'etale groupoids, Tu and Xu provide a map between the periodic cyclic cohomology of a gerbe-twisted convolution algebra and twisted cohomology groups which is similar to a construction of Mathai and Stevenson. When the groupoid is not proper, we cannot construct an invariant connection on the gerbe; therefore to study this algebra, we instead develop simplicial techniques to construct a simplicial curvature 3-form representing the class of the gerbe. Then by using a JLO formula we define a morphism from a simplicial complex twisted by this simplicial curvature 3-form to the mixed bicomplex computing the periodic cyclic cohomology of the twisted convolution algebras. The results in this article were originally published in the author's Ph.D. thesis.

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