
We derive several existence results concerning cycle types and, more generally, the “mapping behavior” of complete mappings. Our focus is on so-called first-order cyclotomic mappings, which are functions on a finite field Fq that fix 0 and restrict to the multiplication x↦aix by a fixed element ai∈Fq on each coset Ci of a given subgroup C of Fq⁎. The gist of two of our main results is that as long as q is large enough relative to the index |Fq⁎:C|, all cycle types of first-order cyclotomic permutations with only long cycles on Fq⁎ can be achieved through a complete mapping, as can all permutations of the cosets of C. Our third main result provides new examples of complete mappings f such that both f and its associated orthomorphism f+id permute the nonzero field elements in one cycle.

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