
The aim of this study was to investigate the cyberspace as a new area of mission for Seventh Day Adventist church, Kisii central - Nyanchwa station, South Kenya conference. The study employed the Uses and Gratification theory of assessment to understand the involvement of the SDA church in cyberspace as a new area of mission in a manner that enlarges its evangelical horizons. Personal interviews were conducted with pastors, ICTs technocrats, youth, church clerks and church members to establish the place of technology in the mission of Kisii Central SDA church that makes technology an important area of mission in terms of use and church mission itself. The implied clusters gave data of both users and implementers of technology to benefit the church community. Analyses and data presentation used frequency tables and percentages. Therefore, it would be erroneous to think that technology is absolutely good. The study has demonstrated that cyberspace is a new mission area instrumentally and subject to evangelical church missions. Cyberspace technologies are becoming increasingly instrumental in the Kisii Central SDA church mission that gives her relevance in the technological society. In addition, cyberspace technologies are used in worship, prayer, the transmission of sermons and preaching of the gospel, motivational text messages, formation of online church groups, religious instructions. The study recommended that the church commit herself fully to finding viable ways to evangelize cyberspace as the new area of mission.

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