
Most universities rely heavily on Information Technology (IT) to process their information and support their vision and mission. This rapid advancement in internet technology leads to increased cyberattacks in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). To secure their infrastructure from cyberattacks, they must implement the best cybersecurity risk management approach, which involves technological and education-based solutions, to safeguard their environment. However, the main challenges in existing cybersecurity risk management approaches are limited knowledge of how organizations can determine or minimize the significance of risks. As a result, this research seeks to advance understanding to establish a risk assessment model for universities to measure and evaluate the risk in HEIs. The proposed model is based on theoretical aspects that we organized as follows: First, we review the existing cybersecurity frameworks to identify the suitability and limitation of each model. Next, we review current works on cybersecurity risk assessment in HEIs to evaluate the proposed risk assessment approaches, scope and steps. Based on the information gathered, we developed a risk assessment model. Finally, we conclude the study with directions for future research. The result presented from this study may give an insig1ht for HEIs staff to analyze what is to be assessed, how to measure the severity of the risk, and determine the level of risk acceptance, improving their decision-making on risk management.

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