
It was predicted by experts. The DDoS attack using an internet device on October 21, 2016, generated a flurry of suggestions from vast number of pundits. What if the attacks were not limited to social media sites but instead targeted heart monitors to deliver shocks to patients with cardiac arrhythmia? In this article the potential of personal security agents (PSA) is suggested as a modular tool to model people, process, bits and atoms (objects) with layers to address trust, privacy and security. Can we explore the potential of creating wrappers within these layers to include cognitive firewalls?


  • What if the attacks were not limited to social media sites but instead targeted heart monitors to deliver shocks to patients with cardiac arrhythmia? In this article the potential of personal security agents (PSA) is suggested as a modular tool to model people, process, bits and atoms with layers to address trust, privacy and security

  • Can we explore the potential of creating wrappers within these layers to include cognitive firewalls?

  • The recent distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack originating from IoT type devices infected by the Mirai botnet[1] was predicted[2] by experts

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A simple path – distributed trust management in cybersecurity?

The recent distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack originating from IoT type devices infected by the Mirai botnet[1] was predicted[2] by experts. In its elemental form, this may be viewed as a modular approach Let us extend this over-simplification to a traditional hotel room. The key card or mobile code to open the door may not allow the help to enter if the occupant dead-bolts or uses the security chain from inside. Imagine if neither the dead-bolt nor the security chain is made available to the hotel guest. On entering the hotel room or suite you find a bag of screws, a screw driver and four relevant holes on the door frame to insert and fix your own dead-bolt or chain. The digital equivalent for dead-bolt (BYOD) is a digital certificate, with mobile duo authentication provided by a third party trusted vendor (of your choice)

A simple path – Modus Operandi
A complex path – die is about IPSA
A complex path – modus operandi
Why a Modular Approach may better optimize a dynamic connected path?
A path to monetization?
A path less travelled – the road not taken?
Temporary conclusions
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