
Amidst an era characterized by dependence on digital systems, this study delves into the crucial interplay of integrating cybersecurity into contemporary enterprise information system development. Drawing insights from a diverse array of 60 participants, including cybersecurity specialists, information system developers, and decision-makers within organizations, the research reveals unanimous consensus (85%) on the "extremely high importance" attributed to cybersecurity integration. This collective acknowledgement underscores a heightened recognition of the evolving landscape of cyber threats. The identified challenges, encompassing the delicate balance between security and usability, along with the scarcity of proficient experts, mirror the intricate dynamics faced by organizations. The advocated strategies, aligned with established practices, underscore the prominence of risk-based methodologies and adaptive security measures. The influence of regulatory adherence and human factors brings to light nuanced aspects of the subject. Ultimately, the study underscores the compelling need to embed cybersecurity seamlessly into information system development, culminating in resilient, secure, and forward-oriented systems within an interconnected digital milieu

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