
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is an emerging technology closely related to the Internet of Things (IoT) schemes, but CPS centers on the occurrence of computation processes, networking, and physical layers. The CPS involves many interconnected systems that can manipulate and monitor the operations of real objects. The evolution of CPS has significantly affected several aspects of the public’s way of life, thereby permitting the integration of different applications and services like smart homes, smart healthcare systems, electronic commerce, and smart campuses, among others. But their creation has posed security challenges for people in the world of an interconnected system and given rise to dangerous security problems. One of CPS’s most complex issues is ensuring information security against cyber-attacks. These problems have attracted significant attention from both industries and many researchers. Therefore, this chapter reviews CPS security vulnerabilities, attacks, and threats in securing information on the internet by identifying the key challenges and issues. The limitations of existing security measures are analyzed and presented, and their effects on the features of people’s lives are explored. The CPS principal types of security threats and attacks are presented and analyzed. Finally, the challenges of CPS, possible solutions, and areas for future research are discussed. In this field, cybersecurity has become a global issue, so the design of stable, healthy, and effective CPS is a popular area of study. Security challenges are not new, but technological innovations make it possible to develop new methods to secure data from detrimental effects. Novel threats will remain exploited, and cyber-attacks will continue to occur, resulting in the need for new CPS security methods.

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