
The Internet of Things (IoT) does not require human involvement to function. Sensors collect, communicate, analyze, and act on data as part of the IoT, providing new opportunities for technology, media, and telecommunications companies to produce value. For example, consider a garage door opener that can also deactivate the home alarm system as you enter. This is a useful function for a homeowner who needs to get into their house quickly. However, if the garage door opener is compromised, the complete alarm system may now be disarmed. TVs, home thermostats, door locks, home alarms, smart home hubs, and garage door openers, to mention a few, present a plethora of connection points for hackers to gain access to IoT ecosystems, access customer data, and even enter manufacturers' backend systems.IoT technology-based devices are becoming popular worldwide very quickly. The pervasiveness of the IoT, which is defined by its diversity, heterogeneity, and complexity, is blurring the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds. The presence of IoT technology in the business world cannot be ignored, hence the attacks and threats on IoT devices, too. Such attacks or crimes are increasing day by day. The IoT offers new ways for businesses to create value; however, the constant connectivity and data sharing also create new opportunities for information to be compromised.Cyber criminals have become a major threat to the government and business infrastructures all over the globe and are destroying these infrastructures through their criminal behaviors. Cyberattacks over IoT devices and systems are affecting the lives of users, so looking into solutions is mandatory now. Secure IoT is the need of the hour, and understanding of attacks and threats in the IoT structure should be common knowledge.Because IoT is so widely used, it makes it an ideal breeding ground for cyberattacks. The IoT infrastructure can be used as a tool to carry out a cyberattack or used as a direct target in a cyberattack. In either case, the IoT infrastructure's security is threatened. IoT forensics supports investigators in gaining intelligence from smart infrastructure in order to reconstruct historical occurrences. Due to the sophisticated IoT architecture, digital investigators face numerous obstacles when conducting IoT-related investigations using current investigation methodology, necessitating the creation of a new dedicated forensic framework.This chapter consists of the below mentioned topics and subtopics to discuss IoT technologies, IoT's main features, security challenges, proposed security solutions, and how IoT allows cybercrimes to happen. The chapter also explains digital forensics as well as IoT forensics before concluding the chapter.

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