
This study presents a new model to mitigate the cyber threats of the impending Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) using the security features of blockchain technology. The initiatives of regional aviation authorities to upgrade the ATM system have common surveillance and data sharing equipment named ADS-B which is unencrypted. The cybersecurity threat to aviation operations has become more challenging with the up-gradation of ATM which largely depends on ADS-B. Today, the global civil aviation authorities are relying on the data-Link and IT systems for their day-to-day ATM through ADS-B and other Air Traffic Control Services (ATCS). Numerous studies and aviation enthusiasts expressed the vulnerability of the ADS-B due to unencrypted data sharing of ATCS. In this research, a blockchain framework is proposed to address the current security-related weaknesses of the ADS-B application and other data-Linked services of impending ATM. This blockchain model is designed based on the Hyperledger Fabric platform which ensures privacy, confidentiality, and origin/destination authenticity to overcome the cybersecurity threat of ADS-B and other ATCS support systems. This proposed model is significant as it leverages the synergy of multi-agent networks and approved blockchain technology like Hyperledger Fabric for a secure, stable, and unified network for collaboration. Thus, the different risks of upcoming ADS-B based ATM-like eavesdropping, message modification, injection, deletion can be combated using this proposed model.

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