
As the popularity and usage of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is increasing day by day in today’s world, the security of these IoT devices from cyber attacks has become a major concern for all the stakeholders. The main purpose of providing security to IoT devices is to secure the connecting devices and available networks in Internet of Things. The scope and role of IoT driven devices and agents is exploding at a very fast pace. Industry 4.0 is evolving and it mainly relies on the incorporation of IoT driven technology for its growth. There is a need to establish trust and security in the use of IoT so as to make these things available to all stakeholders with different application domains. Data breaches related to unsecured IoT or application since 2017 have increased from 15 percent to 26 percent. This percentage is on a rise every moment as most of the organizations are not aware of the unsecured IoT devices and networks they are unknowingly interacting very often. Research shows that 55 percent of IT professionals list IoT security as their top priority according to a survey conducted by 451 researches. This survey by 451 researches shows that there is a lot needed to be done to develop confidence in the acceptance of IoT driven technology to support the evolution of Industry 4.0. In the current chapter, our main emphasis is on two major issues – first is to identify what kind of IoT devices are being used nowadays and for which purpose and second is how to protect these IoT environments from cyber attacks. We have made an effort to propose a mechanism to establish trust in adoption of IoT on a bigger scale by addressing the issues related to cyber security. The technique defined here is based upon deep learning in order to provide security to IoT devices, IoT data and its related applications.

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