
Cyber security is a mechanism to protect digital information on various available channels such as internet, mobile devices, World Wide Web, Web applications, social media platforms and computer systems. A massive amount of data is generated every day through social media platforms, banking applications, business data, enterprise data and transactional data. All data have to be protected with the help of some security mechanisms to secure sensitive information. The word ‘cyber security’ is made up the commonly used such as cyber and security. Here the cyber indicates the digitally connected mediums and security indicates the protection mechanism involved for securing the digital mediums. Hence, this chapter is intended to give a clear picture on the cyber security ecosystem and its mechanisms. The important aspects of cyber security are confidentiality, integrity and availability CIA. The CIA model is used to enhance the data security mechanisms, which are applied on security protection guidelines. Various cyber security mechanisms, cyber security policies and standards are proposed and employed to produce and achieve efficient results in data protection and privacy landscape. Section 2.1 gives a basic introduction to cyber security. In Section 2.2, cyber security layers, securing OS, antiviruses and malwares are discussed. In Section 2.3, cyber attacks and strategies are discussed with examples. In Section 2.4, network security and, in Section 2.5, network security policies are presented in detail. In Section 2.6, disaster recovery planning and best practices are discussed. Section 2.7 concludes the chapter.

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