
Cyber criminality has revealed the loopholes and shortcoming of national systems, exposed the inability of combating Trans border criminality and inability of the legal systems to deal with the cases involving virtual realities where paper based identities, physical location, national borders depicting jurisdictions melted out. The existing legal systems are mostly paper based and very much sensitive to the geographical maps where artificial boundaries create national jurisdiction, which is the only legitimate medium to take cognizance of crime. It is also very much sensitive to paper based identity, physical location, legal recognition of criminal act. The electronic technology has potential to crack the old age principles, which hardly stand in cyberspace. The present article has focused upon the gap between the traditional ideologies to combat the crime and varied nature of cyber criminality. It clearly demonstrates the difference between Cyber crime and traditional crime. It highlighted the causes, nature, and difference of technology and ultimately demands the modern approach to deal with the crime. At the end, it also press upon the international policy, regulations and standards to deal with such trans-national criminality.

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