
Today cybercrime and computer terrorism are identified as one of the threats to Ukraine’s national security in the information sphere. Cybersecurity measures include achieving and maintaining security features in the resources of an institution or users, aimed at preventing relevant cyber threats. Cybercrime is a set of criminal offenses committed in cyberspace by computer systems or by using computer networks and other means of access to cyberspace, within computer systems or networks, as well as against computer systems, computer networks and computer data, has been widely developed. The paper considers such terms as «computer crime», «information crime», «crime in the field of computer information», «crimes in the field of information technology». Scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers on the issues of countering cybercrime are analyzed. The connection of the concept of «cybersecurity» with the terms «cybercrime», «computer crime» and «cybercrime» the concepts of «cybercrime» was given. The difference in the interpretation of the concepts «cybersecurity» and «information security» was considered. The definitions of «cybercrime», «computer crime» and «cyber offense» were given for comparison. Their main features were considered. The concept of «computer victimhood» and its components were considered. With the introduction of the institute of criminal offenses in the national criminal law, the terms «cybercrime» and «computer crime» should lose their relevance, as evidenced by the change of title of Chapter XVI of the Criminal Code of Ukraine to «Criminal offenses in the use of electronic computing machines (computers), systems and computer networks and telecommunications networks». Therefore, instead, we can recommend the use of the term «cyber offense», which we propose to understand as «socially dangerous criminal act in cyberspace and/or using it, liability for which is provided by the law of Ukraine on criminal liability and/or which is recognized as a criminal offense by international treaties of Ukraine, and cybercrime is a set of cyber offences». It is clear that this will require the introduction of appropriate terminological changes in the Law of Ukraine «On the Basic Principles of Cyber Security of Ukraine» and other regulations.

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